We wanted to take a moment to tell you about our next ‘Creating Cultures of Wellbeing (Intro)’ webinar on 10 June. Its free, has 45 minutes of great input and will help you consider ways to help your teams flourish and grow in your workplace in the coming months and years.
In our work supporting the wellbeing of employees and staff in companies and organisations, we have realised that individual wellbeing can only go so far without healthy cultures and contexts of wellbeing within which to operate. Psychologically safe environments are crucial for healthy working and we are delighted that this issue is now rising in importance in companies around the UK.
“Psychologically safe workplaces have a powerful advantage in competitive industries.”
Amy Edmondson
Space to Breathe seeks to help organisations exploring cultures of wellbeing - providing training, one-to-one support and creative resources to help organisations develop healthier working patterns and practices to aid psychological safety and enable employees to thrive.
Our last webinar in May was attended by people from across the country and we had great feedback.
“Thank you so much Andy, that was great! Very insightful and useful :)
Lots of food for thought Andy, thank you.... need to watch it again and digest it
Thank you Andy - would be interested in any further webinars! ”
If you’d like to come along to our webinar on 10 June, 12pm - 12.45pm, just sign up below and we’ll send you information.
It’s free and we offer a free follow-up chat for those who want it too.