Wilderness is a two part event taken place at Sheffield Cathedral and focused on the season of Lent.
Lent remembers the journey of Jesus out into the desert and conjures up themes of loss, sacrifice, mourning and also of hope and of purpose. We’re partnering with the Cathedral to run two events alongside the Tuesday Evening Gathering at the Cathedral.
On 26th March we’ll look at Wilderness: Journeying Home/
What is Home to us? How do we find it or cultivate it? How do we make sense of home and welcome when we’ve experienced loss in our lives? How do we find hope in journeying home?
In the beautiful setting of Sheffield Cathedral we’ll create installations and activities around the building which enable you to engage with this theme in a creative and thoughtful way.
They’ll also be candles and beautiful lighting and ambient music to create a chilled and welcoming mood.
Wilderness opens at 5pm to make use of the stations around the building. Pop in for 5 minutes or stay for an hour. It’s up to you.
The at 7.30pm they’ll be a short reflective gathering which draws together the themes of the evening and invites participants to meditate, reflect and be inspired in a communal setting.
This evening is aimed at anyone regardless of background or experience. Its open to all perspectives and beliefs and provides a simple and welcoming environment to think about life and its meaning.
We’d love to see you there.
This is the second of two evenings, the second of which is on 26 March. See our events pages for details.
What will we find in the Wilderness?
“Shhhh... offers space to contemplate and meditate, to reflect and to pray. This evening will be inclusive to everyone and be particularly relevant for people interested in spirituality but won’t feel religious in language or tone. Expect some art installations, poetry and prose, ambient music, visuals and creative ways to engage with your spiritual side.”